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Frequently Asked Questions

How to I register for Cybereason Academy courses?

Cybereason Academy courses are available to customers, partners, and employees.  If you do not have access to Cybereason Academy, contact your Customer Success Manager.

What do I need to take courses?

You will need access to a computer.  Cybereason training works best with current versions of Chrome,  Firefox or Safari, or with Internet Explorer version 9 and above. 

You can view course content and videos, and complete most assessments, using a mobile device or tablet. Some visual exercises and hands-on labs are not supported on such devices.

How long does a course take?

Cybereason Academy courses are designed to take one to two hours.  

Do I need to take courses at a specific time?

No, Cybereason Academy courses are self-paced.   

Can I get help during a course?

Yes. Each course has an discussion area where you can ask  questions, as well as respond to others' posts. In addition, the course team and other Cybereason employees monitor discussions and help when needed.